particle physics

the branch of physics that deals with the properties and behavior of elementary particles.
Examples from the web for particle physics
  • EG a particle physicist will have a much more relevant opinion of particle physics than would a brick layer.
  • There is no end to the inventiveness that has become part of the subculture of particle physics.
  • His reputation, before he made his splash in climate science, was based on his work in particle physics and astrophysics.
  • It's because particle physics is a game of statistics, and even a non-conclusive result can be pretty interesting.
  • He points out that the millennial anxiety about scientific and technological breakthroughs predates particle physics.
  • Out on the cusp of human knowledge, particle physics can seem esoteric indeed.
  • particle physics has a long history of zany theories that turned out to be true.
  • One response was to turn from particle physics to particle astrophysics.
  • But by that time, he was no longer interested in particle physics.
  • But our particle physics looks weird, and it has a lot of information.
British Dictionary definitions for particle physics

particle physics

the study of fundamental particles and their properties Also called high-energy physics
particle physics in Science
particle physics
The branch of physics that deals with subatomic particles. See also quantum field theory, quantum mechanics.

particle physics in Culture

particle physics definition

The branch of science devoted to the study of the basic constituents of matter, particularly the constituents of the atomic nucleus.